Ramarao Podugu, originally from Ravupalli in Parvathipuram District, Andhra Pradesh has embraced Zurich, Switzerland, as his home for the past decade, alongside his cherished family – his wife Shirisha and their two delightful daughters. With a foundation in engineering and a career path as an Engineering Manager, Ramarao has seamlessly integrated his passion with his profession.
Currently serving as the General Secretary of the Executive Board (2024-2025) of the Telugu Association in Switzerland, his focus is on fostering unity among Telugu people across the country, providing mutual support, and nurturing a sense of community. Furthermore, Ramarao is dedicated to involving the next generation in cultural activities, empowering them to actively participate and contribute to the community's growth.
As a steadfast believer in India's growth story, he is committed to leveraging his skills, experience, and network to contribute to the nation's progress and prosperity.