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Welcoming Sri Krodhi Nama Samvatsara: The Dawn of Ugadi 2024

As the wheel of time turns, we stand on the cusp of Sri Krodhi Nama Samvatsara, ready to embrace the Telugu New Year with open hearts and renewed spirits. Ugadi, the festival that marks this transition, is not just a celebration of the new year but a reflection of life's perpetual renewal and the human spirit's resilience.


Embrace Telugu Culture in Switzerland with the Telugu Association of Switzerland (TAS)

Namaste! Are you longing to connect with your Telugu roots while living in Switzerland? Look no further than the Telugu Association of Switzerland (TAS). TAS extends a warm invitation to all Telugu-speaking individuals in Switzerland to join our vibrant community.


Welcome to Switzerland!

The Telugu Association of Switzerland invites you to explore and engage with our vibrant community. We wish you the best as you connect with the rich Telugu heritage here in Switzerland.

How to become a member of the Telugu Association of Switzerland ?

To become a member of the Telugu Association of Switzerland, you typically need to follow a few steps: By following steps, you can become a valued member of the Telugu Association of Switzerland and contribute to its mission of promoting Telugu culture and heritage in the country.


Ramarao Podugu

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